




Holy Name Society - Niagara
Representing the following St. Catharines, Ontario Diocese Parishes: Lady of The Scapular, St. Thomas More,  St. Vincent De Paul,  St. Alfreds, St Kevins, and Immaculée Conception.
We also greatly support our brothers in the Buffalo NY Diocese.

Presidents Message

I suppose that to me the Holy Name Society was the natural next step after we completed the “That Man is You” program at St. Kevin’s Church in Welland, Ontario several years ago. That program helped the men who participated to discover ways to become the spiritual leaders of their families with the support of other like-minded men.  I could see that the Holy Name Society had the potential to continue the spiritual growth journey that I had begun.

The following points are taken from the National Association of the Holy Name Society website:

Our Purpose

The Confraternity of the Most Holy Names of God and Jesus (Holy Name Society) promotes reverence for the Sacred Names of God and Jesus Christ, obedience and loyalty to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and the personal sanctification and holiness of its members. Members are called to contribute to the evangelization mission of the Church and to perform acts of reverence and love for our Lord and Savior.

The apostolate of the society is to assist in parish ministries by performing the Corporal Works of Mercy: to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, give drink to the thirsty, shelter to the homeless, tend the sick, visit those in prison, and bury the dead; as well as the Spiritual Works of Mercy: to convert sinners, instruct the ignorant, counsel the wayward, comfort the sorrowing, bear adversity patiently, forgive offenses, and pray for the living and the dead. 

Growing in Faith, Living Through Action In The Name of Jesus

The Holy Name Society is committed to helping its members grow in holiness through devotion to the most Holy Name of Jesus. Members of this fraternity are called to be leaders, to access the healing power of the sacrament of penance, strengthen themselves with the most Holy Eucharist, nourish their souls on Sacred Scripture, increase their desire for divine love through prayer, and lead their families, friends, and coworkers to Christ Jesus by their acts of charity and piety.

The phrase “iron Sharpens iron” is from Proverbs 27:17 in the Bible. The verse states that as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. The phrase means that men can help each other grow and improve by challenging each other and sharing knowledge and experience. The phrase is often used to describe the benefits of having a mentor or a friend who can provide support and help you become a better person.

This I what I believe the Holy Name Society has the potential to do for each of its members.  It is only possible through the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit.

Our mission here is to get ourselves, our spouses, our families and friends, the whole world to Heaven. I am not perfect. None of us are. Jesus did not call perfect men to follow him.  He didn’t tell them that it would be easy.  He only asked them to trust in Him and follow His commandments.

We are called to live the principles outlined in the mission statement of the Holy Name Society, put on our manly amour, and persevere in the journey to bring souls to Jesus. In living our lives this way, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, we hope to be examples to men who are looking to deepen their prayer life, their faith life, their spiritual life and their life of service to God and His church and invite them to join us.

We pray: Jesus I trust in You, Jesus I trust in You, Jesus I trust in You.